Greater Heights School LTD

Cherish Knowledge, Reach for It

Message from Managing Director

Hello Parent/Guardian,

We welcome you to Greater Heights School Ltd, a rich soil where varying seeds are sown, watered and cultivated to eventually bud into beautiful flowers and fruits.

Our school which we refer to as a pram, is a happy, caring place where respect, understanding as well as friendliness exist amongst Staff, Children, Parents and Directors. Our dedicated and committed staff toil earnestly to ensure that your child develops the skills and dispositions to be a successful learner, a confident leader and a critical thinker.

Indeed, we are very passionate about helping children achieve success in all facets of life and we assure you that your child surrounded with love, tolerance and patience will be nurtured into a sound moral, spiritual and intellectual young teenager at the end of his/her stay in this lovely pram.

We are happy you have considered Greater Heights School and we look forward in welcoming your child/children to the pram.


Teresa Prah

Managing Director

Locate Us

Off West Fijai Link Road

Takoradi, West Fijai

P.O.Box MC 464


© 2024 Greater Heights School LTD